Hi there! I’m so glad you found me here at Kintsu. I am passionate about helping people understand their bodies in a way that helps them take back control over their life and health. I hope my story can explain why I believe in a different approach to healthcare.
I graduated from USC, the number one physical therapy program in the nation, and dove into my career as a bright eyed, idealistic orthopedic physical therapist. But pretty soon, I learned that the current system doesn’t work.
I only had 20 minutes to treat a patient and hand them off to an assistant to do exercises. My patients were getting better…mostly. Some of them would end up just coming back with another problem or even the same problem all over again.
After struggling with some of my patients experiencing pelvic pain that never quite went away, I took my first course on the pelvic floor. I moved on to specialize in pelvic floor physical therapy and broadened my skills and education to include visceral mobilization (treating organs), craniosacral therapy (a gentle treatment that addresses the central nervous system), and lymphatic drainage. Learning these additional skills finally allowed me to finally begin to treat my patients as a whole, not just separate parts.
Now I operate based on the knowledge that you can’t truly get to the root of what is wrong without assessing and treating the entire person. And you definitely can’t do it in 20 minutes!
Most Western medicine provides a band-aid approach. You have pain? Here, take this pill! But as you know, masking the symptoms does not get rid of why it got there in the first place. Our goal is to find out what actually started your problem in the first place, what is causing the problem to continue, and how we can prevent it in the future. Bye bye band-aid!
Too many healthcare practitioners (including physical therapists!) only look at one part of your body. With that approach, it is easy to miss the root cause of the problem. We approach the problem by looking at all angles. We evaluate all potential systems and body parts involved and find you the real answers that you need.
Physical therapy is the most successful when the therapist and patient combine their knowledge and expertise. We will work together to get to the root of the problem and formulate a plan for treatment. You will be given tools to use at home and educated thoroughly on your condition and healthcare. The more you know, the better! We do not believe in “trade secrets.”
Too many physical therapy clinics only allow 10-20 minutes one-on-one with a physical therapist. At Kintsu, you will spend your entire appointment of at least an hour with Dr. Thompson.
We believe in providing the highest quality treatment for even the most difficult cases. Dr. Thompson has extensive experience and success in treating complex pelvic, visceral, and orthopedic conditions. She stays up to date with current research and consistently attends advanced continuing education courses to further her knowledge and skills.